Boulevard Heights VFD
EMS Monthly Quiz


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February 2003
EMS Quiz

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1.          During your initial assessment, you find a wound where the patient has a steady flow of dark red blood. You know that this kind of bleeding is:

A. Arterial.
B. Venous.
C. Capillary.
D. Perfusion.

2.       The first step of care for a patient who has profuse external bleeding, regardless of the type of bleeding, is to:

A. Use a pressure point.
B. Elevate the area.
C. Place and tighten a tourniquet.
D. Apply direct pressure.

3.       A patient has a large wound on the back of his leg just below the knee that is spurting blood. EMT's apply pressure, elevation, a pressure dressing, and reinforce the dressing, which rapidly becomes soaked. They should next apply a pressure point at the:

A. Temporal artery.
B. Carotid artery.
C. Brachial artery.
D. Femoral artery.

4.       The "golden hour" is a unique time frame in emergency trauma care that begins with _________ and ends when ___________.

A. Arrival on the scene; EMTs transport the patient.
B. Initial intervention application; EMTs take the first set of vital signs.
C. The time the injury occurs; surgery takes place at the hospital.
D. Communications dispatch EMTs; EMTs arrive at the hospital with the patient.


5.       A boy riding his bike slid on some gravel. He is conscious, have scrapes on his arms and legs and a red area on his abdomen where he hit the handlebars. You suspect internal bleeding based on:

A. Mechanism of injury.
B. Medical history.
C. Initial blood pressure.
D. Level of consciousness.

6.       A 20-year-old man was struck by a slow-moving compact car as he ran through a parking lot. You focus on his right upper leg and hip where he is complaining of pain and look for signs of shock, which include:

A. A decrease in the pulse rate.
B. Cool, clammy skin.
C. A decrease in respirations.
D. Constricted pupils.

7.       While building a shed, a 32-year-old man put a nail through his hand with a nail gun. This type of wound is a (n):

A. Laceration.
B. Avulsion.
C. Abrasion.
D. Puncture.

8.       EMTs bandage a patient's hand because a finger was amputated. They will care for the amputated finger by:

A. Placing it directly on ice to chill the tissue and slow the need for oxygen.
B. Wrapping it in an occlusive dressing to prevent deterioration.
C. Placing it directly in sterile saline to maintain tissue moisture.
D. Wrapping it in a sterile dressing, placing it in a plastic bag, and keeping it cool.


9.       An 18-year-old, injured in a fight, is holding the side of his head where his ear is hanging by a piece of skin. This type of soft tissue injury is a (n) _______ and treatment includes ___________________________:

A. Amputation; applying pressure to his head to control bleeding, placing the ear in a dressing, and keeping the part cool.
B. Avulsion; placing the ear in its normal position and applying bulky pressure dressings.
C. Laceration; cleaning the wound and applying bulky pressure dressings.
D. Incision; taping the ear in place and bandaging the head.

10.     A 48-year-old man was playing touch football when the game got rough. He is sitting on the ground with knees drawn up and is holding his abdomen. His right side is red and swollen between his ribs and hip. He says the area is tender. You suspect possible _______ and you will _______:

A. Internal bleeding; apply manual direct pressure to the area.
B. Simple bruising; apply a pillow for comfort and cold packs to the area.
C. Internal bleeding; give oxygen, treat for shock, and transport.
D. Simple muscle strain; apply a support bandage and transport.

11.      At a vehicle crash, a man is lying unconscious beside a car. Rapid assessment shows he has an airway, is breathing, has a rapid and weak pulse, and has a closed deformity of his left leg. The first intervention will be to:

A. Splint the injured leg, and then elevate both legs to treat for shock.
B. Move him to a long spine board, which will act as a total body splint.
C. Stabilize the head and apply an extrication collar.
D. Apply PASG to stabilize the leg and treat for shock.

12.     A patient with an open wound to the major neck vessels must have an occlusive dressing applied because:

A. Of the potential for internal infection that can affect the heart.
B. Of the lateral recumbent (side) position placement needed for transport.
C. This dressing will prevent blood from soaking through the dressing.
D. This dressing will prevent air from entering the vessel.

13.     A patient with abdominal trauma and no indication of spinal injury will be most comfortable with the legs:

A. Flexed at the knees.
B. Elevated about 30 degrees.
C. Elevated at least 15 degrees.
D. Placed in the flat position.

14.     On a hot July day, prisoners at the state facility riot because there is no air conditioning. A conscious prisoner has stab wounds to the chest and abdomen. EMTs will:

A. Look for exit wounds, apply dressings, treat for shock, and provide oxygen.
B. Transport immediately and begin care en route.
C. Focus on the most serious wounds and dress them appropriately.
D. Determine which wounds need occlusive dressings and seal those wounds first, then apply PASG.

15.     In a high school chemistry class, a student spilled a small amount of a chemical, which splashed into another student's eye. The teacher flushed the eye immediately, but when EMTs arrive, the student says her eye is burning again. The EMTs will:

A. Cover the injured eye with dry sterile dressing and transport.
B. Cover both eyes with dressings and transport.
C. Flush her eye again with water, then transport.
D. Flush her eye with a neutralizing agent, dress both eyes, and transport.

16.     A charcoal grill overturned and burned a seven-year-old on the front of her entire right arm and the front of both thighs. The areas are red and blistered. She has approximately ____% body surface burns and _________ burn depth.

A. 18%; superficial (1st degree).
B. 11%; partial thickness (2nd degree).
C. 22%; superficial (1st degree).
D. 8%; partial thickness (2nd degree).

17.     A patient complains of nausea and says he vomited a dark red gritty fluid that looked like coffee grounds, and then passed out. These are signs of:

A. Cardiogenic shock.
B. Internal bleeding.
C. Epistaxis.
D. Epidural bleeding.

18.     Two EMTs are working on a man involved in collision while riding his motorcycle. They decide to remove his helmet. One EMT places herself at the top of the patient's head to hold the helmet, while the other cuts the chinstrap and puts his hands:

A. On the patient's mandible and forehead.
B. On the patient's mandible and behind the neck.
C. Under the patient's neck and on the forehead.
D. Under the patient's neck and on the upper sternum.

19.     An unconscious, middle-aged woman was a passenger in a compact car that was struck by a large pick-up truck. Rapid assessment shows an open head wound and red areas on the chest and abdomen. Respirations are 28, pulse is 140, and skin is cool and clammy. Extricate using:

A. Full immobilization with a short spine board.
B. Full immobilization with a vest extrication device.
C. Only the chest straps on the short spine board.
D. The rapid extrication technique onto the long spine board.

20.     A rigid cervical collar will:

A. Slightly hyperextend the head to maintain an open airway.
B. Slightly flex the head but limit lateral movement for stabilization.
C. Provide support while limiting head and neck flexion and extension.
D. Place the head so it is in the "sniffing" position.