On Saturday January 18, 2003, Truck 17 responded to 5414 Brenner Street in Capitol Heights's first due for a 35 year-old man stuck in a tree. Upon arrival they found a man in a cherry picker approx 50 feet in the air with wires snagged to the picker. The man has approx 4-inch deep laceration to his left leg and a small gash to his arm. The crew of Truck 17 quickly went into action throwing a ladder to the bucket of the picker and assisting the man down. Units on this call: Engine 51, Ambulance 59, Truck 17 & Medic 46. Crew of Truck 17: Volunteer Lt. "BJ" Hiligh, Volunteer FF Christopher Womack, Volunteer FF Larry Braxton, Volunteer FF Shawn Ross, FF Aycock, FF Poe.

On Friday January 31, 2003 at 2323 hours units were dispatched to 1889 Addison Road South for a townhouse fire. Units dispatched on the call were E261, E83, E371, E384, TK5 , TK17 and SQ27. RE26 and M29 were also dispatched on the call for EMS purposes. At 2325 hours dispatched alerted units that there is a report of someone trapped in the house. The first arriving on the scene was E261 and they reported heavy smoke showing on side 1. E261 took a line into the house they were followed by firefighters from SQ27 and E83 who initiated the search and rescue efforts. They discovered a victim in one of the bedrooms and proceeded to get the victim out of the house. The rescue was hampered by inside bars on the windows. The firefighters began to remove the bars from the windows; once they were partially removed the victim was handed over out the window to the awaiting EMS personnel. TK 17 and E383 arrived on side 1 and went to the fire floor checking for extension. TK17 performed overhaul duties once the fire was contained and eventually extinguished. E422, E231, TK21 and BA45 were also dispatched on the fire at 2331 hours. E231 was assigned as the RIC Team. The injured victim was transported to PGH. A firefighter from E261 received burns to his shoulder and foreman and was transported to Med Star. Call was cleared at 0146. Another fine job well done by the Volunteer and Career Firefighters of Prince Georges County.

On Sunday January 19, 2002, Truck 17 responded to a reported of a house fire at 2103 Spring Holly Drive in District Heights. First arriving units on the scene reported heavy fire showing on side 1 coming from the garage area of the house, all units level 1 opps. They quickly reported they had 2 cars and 2 trucks on fire. The preliminary cause of the fire was a heater in the garage. Units dispatched on the original call were Engine 81, Engine 82, Engine 51, Engine 292, Truck 17 and Squad 27. Engine 261 cleared there previous call and responded on the house assignment. Engine 261 was the first unit on the scene. Working fire dispatch brought Truck 22 (as R.I.C. Team), Rescue 26 and Medic 29 to the scene. Volunteer Division Chief Finnamore requested that two additional engines and a truck be dispatched on the call. Engine companys from 37, 23 and Truck 25 were dispatched to the staging area. Engine 371, Engine 372, Engine 231 and Truck 25 were staged at Francis Scott Key Elem school. During the call Engine 371 was requested to report to the scene. Crew of Truck 17: Volunteer FF Ross Oden, Volunteer FF Larry Braxton, Volunteer FF Rob Goodwin, FF Wesmoreland, FF Smedley. Another Job Well Done By The Crew From 17.